Friday, December 31, 2010

Getting a jump on things

Here it is, December 31st, 2010 and I have once again decided to tackle my weight issues.  At 213.8#, I've decided to commit to losing this weight.  I seem to make this decision every so often but this time I am determined to have different outcomes. 
  1. I intend to blog it just for my own satisfaction. 
  2. I decided to start before the new year.  Something about starting before the New Year appeals to me.
  3. I have a different mind set this time.  God is in charge not me.  Knowing God is guiding me is comforting. 
Anyway, for whatever reason, I feel very positive.  And to celebrate this new positive move and mindset,  I bought a "pretty cup" for drinking is clear with lime, cranberry, and peach polka dots...and it only cost $1!  Such a simple act that has made me smile all day!

So here we go, slow and steady....I actually can't wait!