Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Let me tell you about my biggest exercise motivator.  It is not the slim and sexy visions of me I have in my head when I get in shape.  It is not the several sizes smaller new clothes I might buy when the weight is off and I'm buff.  And just to be healthy, it's not the vision of me walking strongly with even steady breathing up the hills at work.  Nope, my biggest motivator is the threat my oldest sister has over my head... "I'll be checking on you tomorrow to see if you stuck to your game plan for tonight."  I would rather exercise til the cows come home than to have to explain to Ellen why I didn't stick to the "game plan".  At 45 years-old, who would of thought this would be my biggest "fear".  Thanks, Sis!

1 comment:

  1. No problem -- just keepin' it real between you and me. Great job, by the way -- keep it up! Love ya!
